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Flint Eats App

Developed by the Flint Community, for the Flint Community

Share quality & costs of food at local food retailers

Share food preparation and nutrition tips

Building a healthy & sustainable food system for the people of Flint

Flint Eats Layer 1
Google Play Layer 3
App Store Layer 2

How to delete your data

At any time, you may delete your data from within the Flint Eats App by navigating to

"Me" -> "Settings" (top right icon) -> Delete User Account -> Confirm.

Fruit and Granola


Increase information sharing about healthy eating and food access,

Food Delivery


Encourage local food retailers to improve healthy food offerings,

Community Garden


Restore levels of trust among Flint residents and provide them with a greater agency with respect to the local retail food system.

Flint Eats is a new innovative mobile community app, developed to increase knowledge of healthy food in our area. Dedicated solely to the Flint community, your input controls the development of the app. Healthy food is not as common as it once was.

Working with community partners, we have identified two key priority areas that Flint Eats will aim to address:
• Build trust within the food system
We want to increase information sharing about local food retailers to encourage them to offer more and better healthy food options.
• Increase access to healthy food
Because of many historical and structural reasons including transportation, safety, and poor food quality, many of us do not have the access to healthy foods that we’d like—we aim to change that! Flint Eats is working in partnership with the Flint community, as well as Michigan State University-Extension, Michigan State University professors, SNAP-Ed, and the Michigan Department of Education.

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